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Disclaimer: By using this data, you agree to credit Creature Bionics and use the hashtags #creaturebionics and to tag us and any artist mentioned in the details on social media. You also agree to send us a copy of the finished material that used our data to

Quadruped Walk With
Mini Arm-Xtension Rig


Details: HD Processed Xsens Data
Mini Arm-Xtensions worked well with the software because body dimensions didn't have to be exaggerated too much to incorporate the use of them.

Quadruped Walk & Run 
With Arm-Xtension Rig

Details: HD Process Xsens Data
The body length measurements had to be adjusted a lot to incorporate the length of the arms. Additional Y splits (2 on each arm) were used, to place the hand sensors on the lower part of the


Werewolf Walk Cycle With Monster Feet Rig

Details: Real-Time Xsens Data Via Unreal Engine fbx Export 
We Use real-time capture to be able to review the mocap performance and the advantage and disadvantage of our creature rigs. It also allows animators to review and know the true quality of the data the rig produces. The
Monster Feet Rigs enables an actor to keep their heels high and create a digitigrade leg skeleton without having to be much higher than their normal height like our Monster Legs.


Werewolf Walk Cycle With Monster Feet Rig

Details: Real-Time Xsens Data Via Unreal Engine fbx Export 
More locomotion real-time data but with an increase of speed and energy in the performance.

Werewolf Walk Cycle With Monster Leg Rig

Details: Optitrack Real-Time Data
Monster Leg Rigs give a more accurate digitigrade leg performance data and weight to the 3d character movement.


Details: Optitrack Real-Time Data
This was the first time that a
mechanical tail was made to try and create tail data via mocap. Combine with the Monster Legs, this creature/monster data is One Of A Kind!


Sytan Walk Cycle With Monster Leg and Tail Rig

Werewolf & Sytan Walking
Around Locomotion

Details: Optitrack Real-Time Data
This data includes one character with just the
Monster Legs and the other character with the Monster Legs and Creature Tail Rig.


Wing Flap/Flying Performance

Details: Real-Time Xsens Data Via Unreal Engine fbx Export

We had the wings of the mesh rigged to work in synce with the Unreal, iPhone live Link. It was rigged to be controlled by the mouth, so when you open and close your mouth, the wings flap!

Tricking Combo By J.J. Battell

Details: Xsens HD Processed Data 

We had UK stunt performer J.J perform a tricking combo for fun after a shoot, which went viral on social media thanks to animator & creative director, John Likens for retargeting the data on to one of his Ninja Turtle Models. 
The data is unedited but post processed through Xsens Mvn System.

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